Have a Child Make People More Hygienic, Washing hands is a simple activity but sometimes overlooked. The study reported that people have children is more hygienic than people who do not have children.
Study in 2010 reported in the American Society for Microbiology found people who have children would be 2 times more hygienic or keep it clean compared to people who do not have children.
Other results reported in this study is only a third of men who wash their hands after the bathroom, and women have high levels of cleanliness or hygiene better than men.
"Washing hands is one of the most important ways to protect themselves from infection," said Yves Longtin, MD, FRCP of Quebec's Universite Laval, as quoted from Menshealth.com, Wednesday (10/26/2011).
Dr. Longtin said that most infection is acquired by touching other people, animals or surfaces that contain harmful microbes. Hands of the bacteria exposed to contaminate the face or the food consumed.
This condition makes a person who already has children behave more hygienic, because he did not want her child sick from infections ditularkannya. As we all know a child's immune system is not the same as adults.
Dr. Longtin and Sarah Eden, RN, BScN, CIC as coordinator of infection control at Toronto Public Health, provides some tips on cleaning the hands to be free from germs, namely:
1. Washing hands with soap for 30 seconds, although seems excessive but washing hands with soap for 30 seconds is quite effective at killing germs on the hands of 99 percent. This is because the hand is a fertile area for bacteria, especially in the fingertips and between fingers.
2. Drying hands with a towel or paper towels, rub the towel into the hands will physically remove or eliminate microorganisms whereas if you use the dryer will make the germs spread through the air.
3. Using hand sanitizers, if it can not find water and soap then hand sanitizer (hand sanitizers) containing ethanol or propanol fairly effective at killing bacteria and viruses. Rub hand sanitizers that contain more than 60 percent and not more than 80 percent alcohol for 15 seconds.
The woman donated the egg 50 Simultaneously, Life So Bet, With hormone drugs, a woman could spend 85 to donate eggs at once. Yet experts warn, the side effects these drugs can cause the stomach to swell or even lead to death.
Swelling after donating egg cells that occurs due to accumulation of fluid in the abdomen called the Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). In some cases, fluid accumulation can lead to blockage of blood vessels that lead to death.
Although there was no death, a woman in London recently reported having OHSS after donating 50 eggs at once. In order to remove eggs that much, she was given hormone drugs by operators of fertility clinics.
"I feel the doctors that treated me like a machine. I thought the animals, who only asked to produce as many eggs," said 35-year-old woman who was not named it as quoted from Myfoxmemphis, Tuesday (25/10/2011).
About 3 months after donating eggs, she suffered severe swelling until it resembles a pregnant person. A very disappointing to him was, the doctor did not give out the possibility of side effects like this before.
According to the International Federation of Fertility Societies, retrieving 50 eggs at a time is very risky if done with hormonal drugs. Instead of 50, making 20 egg cells alone could increase the risk of OHSS to 85 percent if done all at once.
But because the rewards for egg donors in Britain today increased 3-fold, it seems that fertility clinics do not want to lose by taking the eggs as much as possible.Reported egg retrieval record ever in the UK in recent months reached 85 eggs.
No wonder if the reported cases of OHSS in the UK increased in recent months, ie 217 cases between March 2010 to February 2011. This figure rose sharply from 114 cases in the period a year earlier and only 64 cases during 2008.
It is estimated that 1 of 6 phones in the UK contaminated with Escherichia coli, a bacterium commonly found in human feces.Can be concluded, the habit of washing hands with soap after defecation has not been applied by everyone.
The results of research conducted by scientists from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, was released to coincide with World Handwashing Day 15 October last. The study was conducted in 12 cities in the UK and involved 390 participants.
From each participant, the scientists take a swab of the phone and terlapak hand and examine it under a microscope in the laboratory. The participants were also asked a few things related to the habit of washing hands, including after defecation.
According to the results of observation, 95 percent of participants claimed to always wash hands with soap after doing any activity in the toilet. If the confession is true, should swab taken from participants' cell phones will not contain too much bacteria.
Teranyata However, the results of laboratory examination showed 92 percent of phones are contaminated by various kinds of bacteria. Even 16 percent of samples from cell phones and hand-containing Escherichia coli participants, ie, bacteria in human feces.
Naturally, these bacteria indeed inhabit the colon and helps the process of decaying remnants of food that is not digested. But if teretelan then this number to more, then these bacteria can cause diarrhea and other digestive disorders.
"This study provides more evidence that people are still often forget to wash your hands thoroughly after a bowel movement," writes Dr. Val Curtis, health experts who led the study was quoted as saying in a release from HealthDay, Monday (16/10/2011) .