Friday, December 16, 2011

What Are The Benefits Of Personal Electronic Health Records?

An electronic application that allows patients to access and manage their health information with privacy, confidentiality and security is known as a personal electronic health record. The information gathered in this particular application is organized therefore making it easy for patients to make decisions in the process of health care. 

There are a lot of electronic systems in the market today that offer special features that will allow patients to make appointments, set reminders for their upcoming appointments, read summaries of the consultation and messaging platform between doctor and patient. Any unnecessary appointments are avoided and any limitations regarding to geographical boundaries between doctor and patient are also overcome.

What exactly are the benefits of this particular system? One major benefits of such system is achieving control over their health records and easy manageability of the information where they can share it with other people especially with their loved one. There is also such thing as the provider’s electronic records, which is generally under the control and supervision of the patient’s health care provider.

In personal electronic health records, the information collected and encoded is relatively comprehensive. This has the specific summaries basing on data taken from various sources. Relevant information such as family history, medical history and medication history are also indicated in the system. Maintenance of the system will enable patients to review their health issues and provide hard evidence for any other issues that may arise.

Personal electronic health records, aside from tracking your health history, can also provide various other benefits such as relevant information pertaining to whatever situation you are in during the consult. This will act as your viable source of medical information and is useful during insurance claims or reimbursement claims.

Attached scanned health-related documents can also provide future benefits as well and all of these are being collected and tracked within personal electronic health records in order to empower patients to take control of their health and eventually their lives. Keeping all these scanned documents may save you from repeating one procedure after another because of the document present at hand and this will save you money as well.

By: James Guertin

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