Language represent the world in certain ways. For example, the language taught us that pink is not the same color such as red, and gray is not the same with black. Academics from the University of Newcastle and the University of York in England support the assumption that says that learning a language makes a person become more intelligent with a strong scientific basis.
Different languages also represent different meanings. For example, in English, blue means blue. Meanwhile, in Italian, called by two names blue, Celeste to light blue, and dark blue for blu. So, when a normally speak English to learn Italian, he must learn to think about different colors to use the word correctly.
"We already know that learning another language increases our knowledge of our native language, and studies also have shown that learning another language has a positive effect on the brain," says Prof. Vivian Cook of Newcastle University as reported by, Friday (7 / 10/201).
"Young people today argue that mastering two languages can delay the onset of senility when it is old," he continued.
The researchers wanted to take further steps to see if the master two languages could be some form of training the mind. Various studies show that learning two languages are not directly change the way a person sees the world. The positive effects mastering another language is learning a new language because it causes people to embrace new concepts that are not represented in the mother tongue.
"If I ask you to think about 'lunch', you might be thinking about a sandwich with chips. If I asked the Italians to think 'pranzo' (Italian for lunch), he would think of pasta dishes, meat, and vegetables, "explained Dr Benedetta Bassetti from the University of York.
"There are a lot of research evidence that confirms that people who master two languages thought by combining the two views that represent the two languages under their control. But sometimes they also create new concepts that do not come from one of the language," said Prof. Cook.
In the 1970s, researchers found that children who speak English assume that time runs from left to right. But the Arab children thought otherwise, and those who learn English later learned that both are correct.
Prof. Cook found that the Italians think fox is more beautiful and softer, while the Germans regarded tikuslah a more beautiful and more delicate. This happens because the fox in Italian grammar and feminine in German grammar is masculine. While the mice in Italian is masculine and feminine in German. Those who master both languages will not be puzzled because their perceptions are not based on grammar.
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